Thursday, June 22, 2017

Draw a data frame as a R plot

my.table.plot0 <- function(x, 
                           highlight.matrix = NULL,
                           main = "Table", title2 = NULL, size = 20,
                           bold.lastrow = FALSE, bold.lastcol = FALSE
    ## PURPOSE: Draw a data frame as a R plot. Require R package "gridExtra". 
    ## ARGUMENT:
    ##    x: a data frame
    ##    highlight.matrix: if provided a logical matrix (same dimension as "x"). Then "TRUE" cells will be highlighted. 
    ##    main: title for the plot
    ##    title2: additional title with more verbose text
    ##    size: text size of table text
    ##    bold.lastrow: if T, make the last row bold font.
    ##    bold.lastcol: if T, make the last column bold font.
    ## RETURN: a plot
    ## DATE: 21 Nov 2016, 15:46
    ## -----------------------------------------------------

    x <-
    n1 <- nrow(x)
    n2 <- ncol(x)
    cl <- matrix("black", n1, n2)
    cl[] <- "gray"

    ## Bold Total Column and Row
    cl2 <- cl
    cl2[] <- "plain"
    if (bold.lastrow) {
        cl2[n1,] <- "bold"
    if (bold.lastcol) {
        cl2[, n2] <- "bold"
    table_theme <- ttheme_default(base_size = size,
                                  core = list(fg_params=list(col=cl, fontface = cl2)))
    ## Highlight Cells
    if (!is.null(highlight.matrix)) {
        cl3 <- cl
        z <- ttheme_default()$core$bg_params$fill # default color
        z1 <- rep(z, length.out = nrow(cl3))
        for (i in 1:ncol(cl3)) cl3[,i] <- z1
        cl3[highlight.matrix] <- "yellow"
        table_theme$core$bg_params$fill <- cl3
    gridExtra::grid.table(, theme=table_theme)
    ## Title Text
    t2 <- ifelse(is.null(title2), "", paste0("\n", graph.title.split.lines(title2, sep=" ", num.chars = 40)))
    title(main = paste0(main, t2))

if (F) {                                # Unit Test 
    x <- data.frame(Type=c('Car', 'Plane'), Speed=c(NA, 200))
    my.table.plot0(x, main='Test', title2='a very complex test', size=30, bold.lastcol = T, highlight.matrix = matrix(c(NA, F, F, T) , 2, 2))
    x <- data.frame(Type=rep('Car', 20), Speed=rep(100, 20))

my.table.plot <- function(x, highlight.matrix = NULL, bold.lastrow = FALSE, n = 20, ...)
    ## Purpose: Split a data frame to fit in each page and call "my.table.plot0". 
    ## Arguments:
    ##   x: a data frame or matrix
    ##   highlight.matrix: if provided a logical matrix (same dimension as "x"). Then "TRUE" cells will be highlighted. 
    ##   bold.lastrow: if T, make the last row bold font.
    ##   n: how many rows to fit into each page.
    ##   ...: pass to "my.table.plot0". 
    ## Return: multiple plots to plot the data matrix. 
    ## Author: Feiming Chen, Date:  5 Jul 2017, 15:16
    ## ________________________________________________

    x <-
    N <- nrow(x)
    if ( N <= n ) {
        my.table.plot0(x, highlight.matrix = highlight.matrix, bold.lastrow = bold.lastrow, ...)
    } else {
        s <- rep( %/% 20 + 1), each = n, length.out = N)
        xs <- split(x, s)
        ng <- length(xs)                # number of pages
        bold.lastrow.list <- c(rep(FALSE, ng-1), bold.lastrow)
        if (is.null(highlight.matrix)) {
            mapply(my.table.plot0, xs, bold.lastrow = bold.lastrow.list, MoreArgs = list(...))
        } else {
            ys <- split(highlight.matrix, s)
            mapply(my.table.plot0, xs, highlight.matrix = ys, bold.lastrow = bold.lastrow.list, MoreArgs = list(...))
if (F) {                                # Unit Test
     x <- data.frame(Type=rep('Car', 50), Speed=rep(100, 50))
     h <- matrix(rep(c(F, T), 50), ncol=2)
     my.table.plot(x, highlight.matrix = h, bold.lastrow = T)

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