lf.compute.data.column <- function(dat.list, func, ...)
## Purpose: Apply a function to each column of a list (e.g. data frame). Retains the names information.
## Basis for processing more complex data (e.g. a list of a list)
## Arguments:
## dat.list: a list of data (e.g. data frame)
## func: a function that computes a vector (may have an argument "name")
## ...: passed to "func"
## Return:
## a list of outputs.
## Author: Feiming Chen, Date: 30 Jan 2017, 13:21
## ________________________________________________
this.name <- null2na(names(dat.list))
name = this.name,
if (F) { # Unit Test
dat.list = data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10))
lf.compute.data.column(dat.list, mean)
lf.compute.data.column(dat.list, function(x, ...) { c(a=mean(x), b=sd(x)) })
lf.compute.data.column(dat.list, function(x, name) { list(a=mean(x), n=name) })
lf.compute.data.column.2 <- function(dat.list, func, ...)
## Purpose: Apply a function to a list of a list of data. Retains the names information.
## Arguments:
## dat.list: a list of a list
## func: a function that computes a vector. (may have an argument "name")
## Return: a list of list of results
## Author: Feiming Chen, Date: 6 Feb 2017, 12:50
## ________________________________________________
this.name <- null2na(names(dat.list))
function(d, name) {
if (!is.na(name)) names(d) <- paste0(name, ".", names(d))
lf.compute.data.column(d, func)
name = this.name,
if (F) { # Unit Test
dat.list.2 = list(test1 = data.frame(x=1:5, y=6:10), test2= data.frame(x=11:15, y=16:20))
lf.compute.data.column.2(dat.list.2, mean)
lf.compute.data.column.2(dat.list.2, function(x, ...) { c(m=mean(x), s=sd(x)) })
lf.compute.data.column.2(dat.list.2, function(x, name) { list(m=mean(x), n=name) })
null2na <- function(x) {
## if the value of x is NULL(as determined by length test since is.null may
## not always work), turn it into NA so that an object
## made of it will always exist.
if (length(x)==0)
x <- NA
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