wc <- wc.linux <- function(x) { ## Write to Clipboard ## Write a table/data frame "x" to the Clipboard for Excel use. ff <- pipe("xclip -i -selection clipboard", "w") utils::write.table(x, file=ff, sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=F, na="") close(ff) } rc <- function(header, p=TRUE, ...){ ## Read from Clipboard ## Check is Header Line exists. ## Checking if the first element in the first line is a numeric type or not. ## if "p=TRUE", print out the vector definition for copying if (missing(header)) { if (is.numeric(unlist(read.delim("clipboard", nrows=1, header=F))[1])) header=F else header=T } a <- utils::read.delim("clipboard", header=header, as.is = TRUE, ...) if (p) { for (i in seq(ncol(a))) pvec(a[[i]], var=letters[(22+i) %% 26 + 1]) return(invisible(a)) } else { if (ncol(a) == 1 || nrow(a) == 1) { # convert to a vector if there is only one column a <- unlist(a) cat("\nClipboard is read into a vector of length:", length(a), "\n") } else cat("Clipboard is read into a data.frame of dimension:", dim(a), "\n") print(head(a, n=3)) return(invisible(a)) } }
Monday, September 14, 2020
Reading From and Writing To Clipboard (usage: copy a data table from a spreadsheet or paste a table into a spreadsheet)
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