Friday, November 30, 2018

Variance Component Analysis for One-Way Random Model <- function(fmla, dat)
    ## Purpose: Variance Component Analysis for One-Way Random Model. 
    ##          Application: Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis (R&R for Precision Study).
    ##          Use Method of Moment estimation.  
    ## Arguments:
    ##    fmla: a formula with one response and one factor (One-way Random Model).
    ##    dat: a data frame
    ## Return: Variance Component Analysis such as
    ##         DF: Degrees of Freedom
    ##         VC: Variance Component (with proportion of total in percentage)
    ##         SD: Standard Deviation (from the squared root of Variance Component)
    ##         CV%: Coefficient of Variation as Percentage
    ## Author: Feiming Chen
    ## ________________________________________________

    a <- aov(fmla, dat)
    b <- summary(a)
    cat("Analysis of Variance:\n")
    print(b)                   # Analysis of Variance
    MEAN <- mean(a$model[[1]])  # Mean 
    N <- nrow(a$model)          # Number of observations
    cat("\nMean: ", round(MEAN, 3), " (N =", N, ")\n", sep="")
    d <- b[[1]]
    VC.error <- d$"Mean Sq"[2]          # Mean Sum of Squares for Error = Variance Component for Error (Repeatability)
    Q2 <- d$"Sum Sq"[1]                 # Sum of Squares for Treatment
    DF.treatment <- d$Df[1]             # DF for Treatment
    N.i <- table(a$model[[2]])          # Number of Replicates in Each Treatment Choice
    VC.treatment <-  (Q2 - DF.treatment * VC.error) / (N - sum(N.i^2) / N)

    VC <- c(VC.treatment, VC.error, VC.treatment + VC.error) <- VC / VC[3] * 100
    SD <- sqrt(VC)
    CV.pct <- SD / MEAN * 100
    ans <- data.frame(Name = c(attr(a$terms, "term.labels"), "Error", "Total"), 
                      VC = round(VC, 3), 
                      VC.Pct.Total = round(, 3), 
                      SD = round(SD, 3), 
                      CV.Pct = round(CV.pct, 3))

    cat("\nVariance Component Analysis:\n")
if (F) {                                # Unit Test
    dat <- data.frame(Yield=c(3.9, 4.05, 4.25, 3.60, 4.2, 4.05, 3.85, 4.15, 4.6, 4.15, 4.4, 3.35, 3.8), 
                      Variety=factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4)))
    fmla <- Yield ~ Variety, dat)

    ## Validation
    anovaVCA(fmla, dat)